Document Type : Research Paper I Open Access I Released under (CC BY-NC) license


1 PhD student in exercise biochemistry and metabolism

2 Associated Professor, University of Tabriz


Aim: Irisin is one of the factors that mediate beneficial effects of exercise on adipose tissue conversion, uncoupling protein1 (UCP1) and metabolism. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effect of six weeks high intensity interval training (HIIT) with Turmeric supplementation on Irisin, UCP1 and body composition in obese females.
Method: Thirty obese women (BMI=33.08±1.78 kg.m-2) age range of 20-25 years in quasi-experimental study with pre-post testing design, were selected purposefully and were randomly divided into two homogeneous groups of 15 participants: HIIT+placebo, and HIIT+Turmeric supplementation (3 milligram curcumin per kilogram body weight per day). Preparation period performed for 3 weeks and HIIT performed for six weeks (4 sessions per week). Blood samples were taken, before and 24 hours after last exercise session in the follicular phase. Serum irisin and UCP1 were measured by ELISA method.
Results: In both groups, irisin levels, subcutaneous fat and BMI significantly decreased (P<0.05), and UCP1 levels and VO2max significantly increased after nine weeks intervention (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between groups for irisin, UCP1, total subcutaneous fat, BMI and VO2max values.
Conclusion: Six weeks high intensity interval training with turmeric supplementation probably could improve body composition by decreasing Irisin and increasing UCP1 levels.


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