

Aim: Aging in human is associated with a loss in neuromuscular function and performance. This is related, in part, to increased oxidative stress and decreased antioxidants status. Uric acid and bilirubin considered as two main antioxidant in blood and have a significant relationship with Total Anti Oxiidait Capaciy. The aim of present study was to examin the effects of resistance exercise on total antioxidant capacity, bilirubin and uric acid in non-athlete and elderly wrestlers.
Method: 8 elderly wrestlers (age 59.75 ± 1.98, Height 172.25 ± 7.08 cm, Weight 76 ± 14.6 kg) and 7 untrained (age 61.42 ± 1.9, Height 173.14 ± 4.09 cm, Weight 79.71 ± 8.15 kg) elderly people volunteered as subject for the study. Subjects completed resistance exercise protocol including: bench press, leg extension, lat-machine pull down, leg curl, cable triceps curl and cable biceps curl with 60-70% of 1RM and with 8-12 repetitions. Blood samples were colected at pre, post and 24 hours after resistance exercise.
Results: Resistance exercise did not caused any significancant differences in indices but the baseline amount of total bilirubin and TAC was higher in athlete group, but not significantly.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed a single bout of resistance exercise had not significant effect on antioxidant status in athlete and non-athlete elderly men.
Key words: Antioxidant, Aging, Uric acid, Bilirubin, Wrestling.
