Document Type : Research Paper I Open Access I Released under (CC BY-NC) license




Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the importance of aerobic exercise and quercetin supplementation on the progression of colon cancer in rats and changes in the effects of IGF1 and myostatin on muscle tissue and the shape of fluctuations in atrophy and muscle wasting. Methods: The subjects of this study included 25 male Wistar rats (weight: 250± 30 g, age: 12 weeks) which were homogenized by weight and randomly divided into 5 groups (5 heads in each group) of healthy controls. Cancer control group, cancer group + quercetin supplement, cancer group + aerobic exercise, cancer group + quercetin supplement + aerobic exercise was evaluated. Measurements of IGF1 and myostatin in muscle tissue of rats were performed according to the standard and ELISA method. SPSS software was used for data analysis. Results: The results showed that 8 weeks of aerobic training in muscle tissue of mice with colon cancer had a significant effect on the mean values of myostatin (p = 0.005) and IGF1 (p = 0.019). 8 weeks of quercetin supplementation in muscle tissue of mice with colon cancer had a significant effect on mean myostatin and mean values IGF (P <0.05) in the control and experimental groups (8 weeks of quercetin supplementation) had no significant effect on mean myostatin and IGF1. (P>0/05) Conclusion: In general, the findings showed that aerobic exercise and quercetin supplementation improve IGF1 and reduce myostatin in muscle tissue of mice with colon cancer.


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