Effects of six weeks swimming training on expression of estrogen receptors in the uterus and fallopian tubes in overectomized rats

Sh Mirdar; E Asadi; A Arzani; Gh Hamidiyan

Volume 6, Issue 2 , December 2016, , Pages 165-176


  Aim: Estrogens binding to estrogen receptors in the cytoplasm, causing an increase in the synthesis of DNA, RNA and others proteins in the target tissue. Endurance exercises may affect the expression of estrogen receptors in overectomized rats. Therefore, the aim of present study was to investigate the ...  Read More

The effect of interval training on AQP5 levels in the lung of Male Wistar rats during of puberty

َAkram Arzani; Sadmehr Mirdar; Mehdi Hedayati

Volume 4, Issue 2 , December 2015, , Pages 151-158

  Objective: The aquaporin5 (AQP5) is an integral membrane protein that plays an important role in maintaining water homeostasis in the lung. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of interval training on AQP5 levels in the lung of Male Wistar rats during puberty. Methodology: 30 three-week ...  Read More

The effect of ginsing supplemention on the levels of IGF-1 and myostatin in the Karate girls after a simulated match

Shadmehr Mirdar; Encieh Rahimi; Hadi Baghban

Volume 3, Issue 2 , July 2014, , Pages 167-179

  Abstract Aim: The growth factor myostatin and IGF-1 play a major role in response to muscular contractions and in the regulation and stimulation of muscles metabolism. This research aim is to study the effects of ginseng on the myostatin and IGF-1. Method: Therefore, 16 athletes were selected. The ...  Read More

The effects of progressive exercise training on some of muscle damage enzymes in active girls

Shadmehr Mirdar; Masoomeh Nobahar

Volume 2, Issue 1 , April 2012

  Abstract Aim: Physical exercise acts as a mechanical stressor that can elicit biochemical alterations. Thus, muscular effort is able to modify blood concentrations of some cellular enzymes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of one progressive session exercise in day during one ...  Read More

The effect of two-peak exercise training program on some of hepatic stress indexes in active girls

Shadmehr Mirdar; Maedehsadat Raisi; Masoomeh Nobahar

Volume 1, Issue 1 , April 2011, , Pages 11-23

  AbstractAim: The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of two peaks exercise training program during one week on some hepatic stress indexes (AST, ALT) in active girls. Method: Twelve physical education girl students with ranged between 16-18 years old and mean maximal oxygen consumption ...  Read More